Jaw Tracking

This state-of-the-art jaw tracking system helps diagnose TMJ Dysfunction (TMD) by tracking the jaw movement.

Research shows that there are certain jaw movements which show very specific types of TMJ dysfunction. For example, limited opening and closing or locking, jaw opening deviations and deflections, and restricted side-to-side jaw movements. All of these indications are widely accepted and published criteria for diagnosing TMD.

Jaw Tracking

Bite Splints

Bite splints (plates) are effective in relieving TMD symptoms.

A bite splint provides an acrylic platform to bite against. Some bite plates move the mandible to a new position.

Generally, splints are worn part-time and for most people night time seems to be the best time to wear them.

Bite Splint

NTI-TSS System

The NTI-TSS System is a type of mouth guard that is placed on the patient's upper teeth. This lets the lower jaw rest in its proper place and causes the teeth to subside from being able to clench together.

If you experience chronic headaches, please ask your doctor because the NTI-TSS System could work for you.

NTI-TSS System